Consulting in oil and gas industry

NK – FINANCE GROUP is a Russian independent company providing business and management consulting services.

It is the managing company and partner of NEFTEGAZKONSULT (NGK).


Consulting in oil and gas industryNEFTEGAZKONSULT established with the participation of one of the world’s leading international petroleum auditors, Miller and Lents, Ltd., offers a variety of services to Rusisan upstream petroleum companies.

It combines a vast international experience with an intimate knowledge of Russian petroleum industry.

The highly trained professionals at NEFTEGAZKONSULT have a tremendous amount of industry experience in virtually all petroleum-producing basins in Russia. Our engineers and geologists have an average of 25 years of relevant industry experience.

To preserve independence, the company does not accept as payment for services any contingent fees or other compensation that may be considered to be conditional upon the outcome of studies performed by the firm. The company avoids any activity that may create a conflict of interest with clients.

  • Audit

    Reserves and Resources Estimation

  • M&A Support

  • Consulting

    Business and management consulting

  • Finance Audit

    Accounting Recommendations. Accounting and Tax accounting outsourcing

  • Monitoring system

    for asset investment attractiveness

  • Financial Modeling

    Assessment of financial indicators

  • Arbitration

    Expert Witness and Arbitration

  • Worskhops